One experience that impacted me greatly was when Elder Glazier and I
were deciding where to go for dinner. An Indian man named Vipul, asked
us where we could find a Burger King. To our convienience we were able
to eat with him and share our belief; to plant a seed in his heart to
start his journey to know who God is. What struck me so, was his ideas. I
asked him what is success to him. He told us that whatever life brings
is success, if it be good or bad, it is success. He is a buisness man,
very hard working, very successful, and very knowledgable. One thing he
doesn't have, unfortunatelly, is the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints. He is a commendable man, one who is no respector of
persons. One with a positive outlook on life. He gave me a great view of
what life really means. One day I hopefully can obtain some of his
characteristics. Success for me incoorperates many things. Most
important, is my obligation as a representitive of Jesus Christ. Not
only as a missionary, but for the rest of my life. The hardest thing as a
missionary for me is, I sometimes find myself judging. Judgement in
itself is bad. I sometimes find myself being impatient. Selfishness is
its root. I sometimes ask myself why people do things differently. Then,
I remember the words of President Uchtdorf during General Confrence,
"do not judge me for sinning differently than you do." This is what
success is for me. Getting as close as I can to acting, thinking, and
doing as Jesus Christ would do. Then when I have done all I can for that
week, I let the Atonement take away all my faults, with humility and
desire, I seek the way Christ paid for me. This is what brings me
happiness, this is what brings me success.
Now knowing this, knowing that I can one day be worthy enough to
enter into our Heavenly Father's rest with the words, "Well Done," this
brings peace to my mind more than any other thing this world could ever
bring. Because of this, I am serving a mission, seeking out those who
will listen to this message of joy beyond measure. This message of
eternal families. This message of acceptance and never-ending growth. I
know that this gospel gives other blessings that are given in this life
too. For me, most importantly is that we can be someone without being
the same. Through this gospel, we can be a child of God, a unique
individual no matter what the world wants you to be.
I testify that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. That through
Joseph Smith, the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is back on the earth
today. I testify that there was and always be one Chruch of Christ.
Starting with His ministry 2012 years ago till now, just as Jesus Christ
had our Heavenly Father's authority and sacred Priesthood, we as well
have that same power in these latter days. I testify that God answers
prayers. That he is a patient Father, that if we strive to serve others
and forget ourselves we do not need to worry what is around the corner. I
testify that families can be sealed together in a state of never-ending
happiness, and that if we simply obey God's Commandments, if we Simply
uphold our priesthood and member callings, and that if we simply reach
out to those around us who are the "Lord's Lost Sheep," that we can have
heaven on earth. I know it is only though this Gospel we can have
eternal happiness. And I know without a doubt that all the Lord's
promises will be fulfilled, and that we will be his instruments in this
It is quite simple, God put an opportunity to grow through Vipul.
Although he is Muslim, and we share different beliefs, I believe he
knows God, he jsut doesn't know it. I know this experience is simple,
and what I am required to do is simple. I am required to preach the
truth unto all. This is what success is for me, this is what true
happiness is. these things I testify, in the name of Jesus Christ,